About VRM
Singing , playing a woodwind or brass instrument, indeed any instrument, professional speaking (politicians, teachers, lecturers, etc), and conducting are athletic and physically very demanding for the body, mind, muscles, and your larynx. If this highly demanding work leads to tensions and strained muscles, it might induce you to adjust the position of your neck and pelvis. This can affect your breath capacity and management, and muscles, kept in a contracted position will shorten over time.
VRM releases and stretches all relevant muscles of the singing, playing, and speaking apparatus, and brings your body back into its natural position.
VRM lets you sing, play, and speak with ease and a released instrument and voice!
VRM focuses on muscles in the area of the diaphragm, upper torso, back, shoulders, neck, throat (in- & outside), mouth (using latex cloves), tongue, jaw, and around the larynx (the most sensitive area for a singer), as well as legs and the whole body, with a non-invasive, gentle and effective technique.
VRM also takes into account active and passive stretching and mobilising exercises, which are great for hips, pelvis, neck and shoulders, as well as the jaw. These can be exercised at home!
VRM - what is unique?
Drawing from various different massage therapy techniques and combining this with my professional experience and knowledge as a singer, trumpeter and musician, I can say:
„Every body is different, so each VRM is individually tailored to you, as if you were having a dress or suit made“
I have been working over a decade with singers and instrumentalists, as well conductors, actors, speakers, politicians and teachers.
Being a singer and trumpet player myself, I understand a singer's or instrumentalist's body.
We singers are professional athletes, and similar to ballet dancers or footballers, we work in a highly physical and demanding environment. Our singing abilities are determined hugely by talent and training, but also by the shape and balance of our voice, body, and mind.
The well-being of professionals in sports or dance is taken care of by massage and physiotherapists, and I believe we as singers should be given the same opportunity for support in a safe environment:
„If we owned a violin worth €1000 we would pack it up correctly in a safe place, keep it polished and dry, check the positions of the strings and bridge, and the condition of the wood. We would have it regularly maintained by a professional to investigate areas of wear and tear and possible need for repair. Why, as singers and employers of singers, players would we not take the same care of our and their 'instrument'?”
Why should I have a VoiceRelease Massage?
See it as a colleague of mine, described it perfectly: "if we owned a wood instrument worth ₤1000s we would pack it up safely, keep it oiled and dry, check the positions of the screws and the condition of the wood. We would have it regularly maintained by a professional to address areas of wear and tear avoiding possible need for repair. Why, as singers and employer of singers, would we not take the same care with our 'instrument?”
What should I expect at my first massage?
I will ask you to fill in a confidential health history form to assess whether or not massage is appropriate for you and which areas you may have injured or had problems with in the past. It will also identify what medications you are on and any health problems you have that may be relevant. I will then perform a postural assessment, range of motion tests and muscle testing to identify what treatment will be best for you. We will then decide and agree upon a treatment plan for the massage. Your massage will take place in a quiet room with some relaxing music playing and dimmed lights for relaxation. Usually I use arnica oil. Please advise me if you have any allergies as I often do use essential oils.
What will a Massage feel like?
Therapeutic massage is always a very pleasant, relaxing sensation. Remedial massage and Trigger Point work are different and when working on areas of tension, recent injury sites or chronic pain, you may notice some discomfort initially which will usually lessen noticeably in the first few minutes as the muscle tension begins to ease. While I am trained to work within each client's comfort zone; communication is the key factor to ensure the treatment is right for you. Please do tell me if you are feeling uncomfortable or wish the treatment to stop- this is your right- it is your massage and time.
How often should I come?
For long-term problems a treatment plan of once a week for 4 weeks then once a month is very effective. Alternatively a series of treatments may be recommended.
A series of 6 may be needed to alleviate your problems. I have clients who come weekly, monthly, 3 times a week or just before an audition or important performance or while having demanding production to help keeping connected and loose. We are all different bodies so I recommend to have your first treatment and rest a day or two, then you know how your body deals with the treatment as we all react to it in a different way. I also recommend, when booking a few in a row to have a day in between massages and to allow your voice to rest on the day of the massage. Ideally NO singing straight after a VRM, but then there singers, who come just before a performance and go on, as it vitalises them. Some people get tired but some people feel energised.
Is massage right for me?
There are several medical conditions that would make massage inappropriate. That is why it is necessary that you fill out the health history forms before we begin your session. I will ask general health questions to rule out if you have any contraindications to massage. It is very important that you inform me of any health problems or medications you are taking. If you are under a doctor's and other therapist‘s care, it is strongly advised that you receive a written recommendation for massage prior to any session. I may require a recommendation or approval from your doctor. No massage for pregnant women within the first 3 months!
Always let your Doctor know you have regular massages.
What do I do during a massage therapy treatment?
Make yourself comfortable. If I want you to adjust your position, I will either move you or will ask you to move. Otherwise, change your position anytime to make yourself more comfortable. Many people close their eyes and relax completely during a session; others prefer to talk. It's up to you. It is your massage, and whatever feels natural to you is the best way to relax. Do not hesitate to ask questions at any time.
How will I feel after the massage therapy treatment?
Most people feel very relaxed. Your speaking voice may be lower than normal. Some experience freedom from long-term aches and pains developed from tension or repetitive activity. After an initial period of feeling slowed down, people often experience increased energy, heightened awareness, and greater productivity which can last for days, weeks, months and give you a new awareness of your body and voice.
What should you do after a massage?
Do not perform immediately after a massage – wait a day. Basically, bits have been moved on the cellular level so the brain will send signals to the wrong place. This means your voice might not fire as normal – most people have had the experience of speaking much lower post-massage for this reason and because of the deep relaxation achieved. Professional athletes only have deep remedial work post-competition because of this. They have quick, stimulating massage before competing to stimulate circulation and warm up the muscles – achieved by singers with vocal and body warm-ups.
Drink plenty of water to help flush out the debris and toxins that have been broken up. It is good to walk in fresh air for five minutes after a massage so the body stays in balance. I recommend having a hot (salt or special oiled) bath that encourages the release of toxins that may have been stirred up from the massage treatment.
You may feel lethargic or fatigued, so rest and relax, try not to drink alcohol; it could have a stronger effect after massage.
You may feel sore the next day if you've had some deep work but should feel the benefits of a more relaxed body by the second day. Always contact me if you have any concerns.
Learn techniques including self-massage (I can teach you some techniques), breathing, relaxing, stretching and gentle exercise. This will help relieve tension between treatments.
Stay in-tune with your body and note differences in singing and posture until your next massage. Work with a mirror to establish if any negative body patterns are present. Video recording yourself while you work, or in a lessons, coaching and production is very helpful.
Enjoy feeling relaxed, more peaceful and know you've helped your body, mind and voice!
VoiceRelease Massage ©
Singing and performing an instrument is highly athletic and physically very demanding for the body, mind, muscles, and your voice.
VoiceRelease Massage is ideal for your well-being as a performer. It is pure relaxation for voice and body, and boosts your musical activities in daily life.
VoiceRelease Massage is also a therapy to help you recover from tension in body, muscles, throat, and larynx.
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VoiceRelease Massage
Luise Breyer-Aiton
Hertzstrasse 26,
13158 Berlin
Opening times
Mo - Fr 8 am- 10pm
Sat - Su 9am - 10pm
working on bank holidays also on
Christmas and New Year